Convenient Payment
We believe that dental care should be affordable to everyone. This is why we offer our patients many payment options and discounted prices to make their choices easier.

We conveniently accept most HMO, DHMO and PPO Insurance.

Finance your orthodontic treatment using Carecredit or Lending Club.

In-House Financing
12 to 24 months with no interest. Our staff can help you arrange a suitable payment plan to fit your needs.
Pay Online
We proudly accept the CareCredit credit card to help you finance your healthcare needs. Now you can use Pay My Provider, a new online payment solution from CareCredit, to pay outstanding balances quickly and securely. Special financing options are available.*

*Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Promotional financing options are available on purchases of $200 or more. Standard Account Terms apply to purchases of less than $200. Promotional financing options available through Pay My Provider may differ from options available in-office. Ask us for details.
Aetna, Argus, Assurant, ADI, Ameritas, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Careington, Cigna, Compdent, Delta, DeltaUSA, Dentemax, Humana Compbenefits, Florida Combined Life, Guardian, Managed Dental Guard, OHS, Principal, Metlife, Safeguard, Solstice, Unicare, United Concordia, United HealthCare and more.
- Convenient monthly payments
- All major credit cards accepted.
- Coupons and monthly specials